
Holy Info Overload, Batman!

OK, so checking out Cool Mom Pics this morning and finding the must have (The Life Doc Binder from Buttoned Up) lead me on a cruise through the website. I found the Buttoned Up Newspaper columns archive and I think...yep...pretty sure...I won't be hearing my name being called for at least another hour.


prying1 said...

Buttoned up link looks interesting - As does your blogsite. - I'm going to send your URL and Buttoned Up's to my wife's computer via email. That way she can read it and tell me what it says. - She is sitting right next to me but I find it is easier to communicate this way. -(8-P)aul -

Christian said...

Thanks, nice blogs yourself! I have been in an winter blogging lull, but thanks to the nice weather and support, I have some new posts up! (Yay!)

JudesMommy said...

Thank You Prying1. Much appreciated!

Christian m...I'm headed over...

Ginene said...

Like your writing style. Made me smile.